
Imaging Associates 

For those who live and work in remote parts of Alaska, having access to timely, high-quality and often lifesaving radiology is a significant challenge. Ward Hinger, CAO of Alaska Radiology Associates and CEO of Imaging Associates, saw a way to overcome that challenge so Alaskans could get the expert care they needed and deserved without having to travel.

His companies combined forces to create Connect49 to offer medical facilities throughout Alaska. These facilities offer dependable access to Alaska’s first and only sub-specialized radiology support (24/7/365) and access to Alaska’s first and only Vendor Neutral Archiving (VNA) system.

Hinger knew that Connect 49’s network would rapidly become a mission-critical service – and it did. “Reliability is paramount. 99.9% uptime reliability is paramount. Security is paramount. Most healthcare data in Alaska is stored on our vendor-neutral archiving system. And we have to reassure current and future clients that we have a robust and highly secure platform to protect our shared patients’ information.”

Critical Insight solved the problem. Critical Insight’s connection with partner GCI helped provide confidence in the company.

Critical Insight appreciates the needs of the healthcare industry as a result of working with many other clients within it.
IT provider
Ward Hinger

CEO of Imaging Associates