Our Mission
Protecting and defending life, safety, and life-sustaining networks
The idea for Critical Insight came from the realization that there are just not enough cyber professionals to hire or tools to buy for organizations to battle Nation-State cyberattackers on their own.
Those organizations need an extension of their team, steeped in InfoSec experience, ready to fight on their behalf. That’s why our logo is the Kraken, ready to help our customers take down evil-doers and always watching.
While our customers are across America, our founders know the water well. Michael Hamilton was CISO of the City of Seattle, taking the ferry to work every day. He teamed up to create Critical Insight with Fred Langston, who has spent 30+ years in Healthcare InfoSec.
Both saw the problem clearly: The organizations Americans need most are under-resourced while trying to fight cyber terrorists. We solve that problem every day, mission-focused on defending your critical infrastructure.

Our Team
Decades of cybersecurity experience
Our Healthcare Board of Advisors help guide our future
The board’s insights are incredibly valuable as we continue to improve our cybersecurity solutions to secure life-saving medical systems and protect patient data.