
Choosing the Right Cybersecurity Software and Tools

Choosing the Right Cybersecurity Tools is Important

The Cybersecurity tools market is almost as complex as the threat landscape it aims to protect. There are tools and solutions available from hundreds of vendors. You’ve probably bought quite a few of them over the years to bolster your cybersecurity protections. But have you selected and spent resources on tools that delivered better security? Chance is that many of the tools you have deployed are not providing the best cybersecurity possible. These tools are challenging to use by teams who are not cybersecurity defense experts.

Critical Insight can help your organization get the most from existing tool investments or help you make the best choice when looking for additional cybersecurity protections.

Experience - The Best Tool of All

The best tool when dealing with the complex cybersecurity threat landscape faced today is experience. No security tool will protect an organization if the team tasked with deploying and managing it doesn’t have the right background in cybersecurity.

Using years of experience from engagements in organizations across the public sector and business landscape, Critical Insight can help you pick the right solution for each aspect of cybersecurity delivery or make the best use of your existing investments.

Examples of areas we can advise on tool selection include —

  • Perimeter security via firewalls and intrusion detection systems.
  • Network protection via network micro-segmentation solutions.
  • Network detection & response.
  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tools.
  • Endpoint protection solutions for devices.
  • Multi-factor authentication solutions.
  • Security Awareness training and testing tools.

Critical Insight will work with your Leadership team to ensure that your cybersecurity budget is being used on the best tools to deliver the security your organization needs.

Maximize Existing Investments

Cybersecurity has been a focus for most organizations for a few years. During this time many have bought tools targeted toward specific threats such as anti-malware solutions, Endpoint protection suites, SIEM solutions, and more.

Often these tool purchases have not delivered on the promises made by the vendors. Either due to being a poor fit for the security issue at hand or due to them not being fully used due to a skills gap in the organization.

Critical Insight partners with our clients to ensure they get the best return from their investments. We look to use all existing cybersecurity investments an organization has made when designing a security roadmap to plug gaps discovered during our risk assessments.

Choosing the Best Solutions

Delivering the best cybersecurity possible within the budget available is the goal of all Critical Insight engagements with clients in the public sector and industry. To deliver on this goal requires a comprehensive risk assessment and gap analysis to determine what steps are needed. After this, the tools and solutions best placed to maximize the security posture are determined.

Critical Insight will work with you to identify the best solutions to deliver the cybersecurity you need. In the modern threat and cybersecurity defense landscape, the best way forward is often to buy a cybersecurity-as-a-service solution rather than specific tools. Critical Insight can provide the comprehensive cybersecurity services needed to protect organizations.

We recognize that outsourcing security may not be the best way forward for every organization. This is why every engagement we undertake is from first principles and delivers the best solution for each client — be those on-premise tools, an outsourced security service, or a hybrid mixture tailored to each client.

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