
Seattle Indian Health Board

Seattle Indian Health Board is a community health clinic that provides health and human services to its patients while specializing in the care of Native people.

50% of healthcare organizations have had a security breach in the last two years.

In 2015, Seattle Indian Health Board had basic, limited, and isolated information technology infrastructure. As its health outreach programs grew, so did partnerships with other organizations to meet patients’ health and social needs. The demands on the IT system quickly increased, and SIHB began to realize that it needed to take a hard look at its cybersecurity.

Andre Dixon, IT Director, knew that SIHB lacked proper internal controls and no one had an eye on what was happening day to day inside the network.

To see what Dixon did as a first step toward maturing his security program, download the case study. You'll also learn how he saved tens of thousands of dollars per year.

With Critical Insight on our side, we know that we have similar security capabilities as much larger institutions and at a reasonable cost.
IT provider
Andre Dixon

IT Director